The Health Education Library is a central hub for DHSP health education materials and resources that are helpful for in
understanding a variety of HIV/STD topics. Materials and resources are categorized by the following topics:
Health Education Materials
DoxyPEP Fact Sheet
This material provides information about DoxyPEP (Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis), the medication used to prevent certain STIs.
Talk with Your Partner About STDs
This material provides steps to take when talking to your
partner(s) about STDs, including getting tested and treatment,
and how to prevent spreading to others.
Your DPH Clinic Visit - Poster (11.7" x 16.5")
This poster provides information about what to expect during a visit to a DPH Sexual Health Clinic.
Bacterial Vaginosis -
materials coming soon
Chlamydia Information Guide
This guide provides information about Chlamydia including symptoms, treatment, and resources.
How to Put on an External Condom
This material provides instructions on how to put on an external (male) condom and how to prevent STDs and pregnancy.
How to Put on an External Condom (Wallet size)
This wallet-sized material provides instructions on how to put on an external (male) condom and how to prevent STDs and pregnancy.
Congenital Syphilis
Congenital Syphilis FAQ
This material provides information about congenital syphilis, when you should get tested, and how to prevent it.
Gonorrhea Information Guide
This guide provides information about Gonorrhea including symptoms, treatment, and resources.
Herpes (HSV) -
materials coming soon
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
For materials for People Living with HIV, please see Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Fact Sheets for People with HIV.
This material provides information about HIV, when you should get tested, and how to prevent it.
I Got Tested
This status-neutral quad-fold provides information on HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and resources for people who get tested depending on their test results.
Printing Instructions: Legal size paper 8.5 x 14, flip on short edge.
HPV (Human Papillomavirus) or Genital Warts
Do you know about HPV?
This brochure provides basic information on HPV (Human Papillomavirus) and resources for sexual health.
Monkeypox FAQ
This material provides information about Monkeypox, when you should get tested, and how to prevent it.
Farsi - Updated July 2022
This material provides information about PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis), who it's for, and how to get it.
Basics of PEP for Patient
This material provides information on PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) and instructions on taking the pill form (oral) medication.
This material provides information about PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), who it's for, and how to get it.
Basics of PrEP for Patient (The Pill)
This material provides information on PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and instructions on taking the pill form (oral) medication.
PrEP Options that Fit Your Sex Life
This material provides information on the different regimen options for Daily PrEP and PrEP On-Demand (aka PrEP 2-1-1).
PrEP & PEP Brochure
This material provides information on PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis).
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Fact Sheets for People with HIV
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Facts Sheets for People with HIV
The fact sheets provide information on free or low-cost HIV specialty medical care and supportive services that are available to People Living with HIV under the RWHAP.
Ambulatory Outpatient Medical Services:
- Updated Sept. 2023
Medical Care Coordination Services:
- Updated Sept. 2023
Oral Health Services:
English Updated December, 2024|Spanish
- Updated Sept. 2023
Residential Care Facility for the Chronically Ill Services:
- Updated 2024
Substance Use Disorder Transitional Housing:
- Aug. 2023
Transitional Residential Care Facility Services:
- Updated 2024
Transportation Services:
- Updated February 21,2025
Sexually Transmitted Infection/Disease (STI/STD)
STI/STD Poster (24" x 36")
This poster provides basic information on a variety of STIs/STDs including signs/symptoms, how they spread, getting tested, and how to prevent infection.
STD Facts
This brochure provides information about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), the signs of infection, how to prevent STDs, and where you can get tested.
Syphilis FAQ
This material provides information about Syphilis, when you should get tested, and how to prevent it.
Syphilis: What Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) Need to Know
This brochure provides information on Syphilis, who is at risk, and how to prevent it.
Trichomoniasis (Trich)
Trichomoniasis Information Guide
This guide provides information about Trichomoniasis including symptoms, treatment, and resources.
Yeast Infection -
materials coming soon