Division of HIV and STD Programs
600 S. Commonwealth Ave., 10th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone:(213) 351-8000
Fax: (213) 738-0825
Email: DHSP@ph.lacounty.gov
Office Hrs: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F
Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) in Los Angeles County
The County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health, Division of HIV and STD Programs is excited to align the L.A. County HIV/AIDS Strategy with the five-year federal initiative, Ending the HIV Epidemic.
Stay tuned for website updates on local efforts and how you can take action as a changemaker in your community. Whether you are a community stakeholder, work in government, or are a healthcare professional, you have a role to play in bringing an end to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, once and for all.
Please visit
LACounty.hiv for additional information.
Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Plan for Los Angeles County English |
Espaņol -
Updated Jan. 2023
EHE Plan Executive Summary English |
Espaņol -
Updated Jan. 2023
EHE Infographic December 2024 - Shares EHE Programs launched and current progress. - English