
Father and mother sitting are in a park while the father blows bubbles for their small boy and girl

Call us at (833) 903-3972. We are here for you.

To speak to one of our family support professionals, please call (833) 903-3972. Or, please complete the form below and one of our team members will call you back at a time that works for you.

Help Me Grow LA helps families find services that can support their child's development.

Family & Caregiver Help Form

Check all that apply.
I have a question/concern about a child's development.

Your email will only be used to confirm or follow-up with information related to this appointment.


Please follow the link below to subscribe to the DPH – Help Me Grow LA email list from LA County: Help Me Grow LA email list from LA County

Tell Us How We're Doing

We are always looking for ways to improve. Please share your feedback with us by filling out this form

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Did you find what you needed on the website?

Did you talk with someone from HMG LA?

Did the person you spoke with treat you with respect?

Did information from HMG LA help you to better advocate for your child?

"Getting connected to Help Me Grow LA has been a great support to me and my family. We noticed our child was not reaching his developmental milestones and I had questions. Help Me Grow LA connected us to a regional center in our community."

- Wanda, Parent of a 4-year-old child

A smiling Asian mother holds her toddler facing his smiling grandmother