Collaborate with Us
We are always looking for partners to help eliminate
childhood lead poisoning! We aim to reach people who are
pregnant (especially pregnant teens) and families with
children from birth to six years.
Partnership activities can include:
Awareness campaigns
Blood lead testing campaigns
Workshops for families
Training for staff and people in the
healthcare, childcare & construction
Outreach events and health fairs
All services and materials are offered at no cost.
Submit a partner interest form. See our brochure for partners below.
Southern California Health &
Housing Council
The Southern California Health & Housing Council (SCHHC)
was established in 1994. We are a coalition of public
agencies, community based organizations, professional
organizations, and advocates seeking innovative ways of
preventing and eliminating childhood lead poisoning and
environmental hazards for children.
Mission: To eliminate childhood lead poisoning and other
environmental hazards to promote healthy living and
healthy housing.
SCHHC meets bimonthly (generally every other 3rd
Thursday of the month). Sign up to get meeting
invitations below.