Construction Requirements for Wholesale Food Establishment: Food Processing, Wholesale Food Markets and Food Warehouses
A Wholesale Food Establishment means:
A food establishment where food (including fruits and vegetables) is received, shipped, stored, prepared for distribution to a retailer, warehouse, distributor, or other destination; and / or operated for the purpose of commercially packaging, making, cooking, baking, mixing, processing, bottling, canning, slaughtering, salvaging, storing or otherwise preparing or handling food including ice, for human or animal consumption, which is not offered for retail sale or gift on the premises; or a commissary. A wholesale food establishment also includes "central kitchens" (commissaries) which process foods for distribution to satellite facilities under the same ownership, wholesale food markets and warehouses. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.005
A Food Processing Establishment means:
Any room, building, place of portion thereof, maintained, used or operated for the purpose of trimming, cutting, washing, rinsing, commercially packaging, making, cooking, baking, mixing, processing, bottling, canning, slaughtering, salvaging, storing or otherwise preparing or handling food including ice (or the addition of ice, additives or preservatives), for human or animal consumption, which is not offered for retail sale or gift on the premises. Each food process will be evaluated individually, based on the method used and the type of foods to be processed. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.005
Food Market, Wholesale means:
A food establishment in which whole, uncut food (including fruits and vegetables) is received, shipped, stored, prepared for distribution to a retailer, warehouse, distributor, or other destination for resale by others. A food market, wholesale shall not be permitted to conduct sales at the retail level or to process food. Food market, wholesale shall not include any food salvaging activities and shall not conduct any food processing within its establishment. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.005
Food Market Complex means:
A food establishment, its contents, and the contiguous land or property that rents, leases, or lends facilities within said establishment, for the purpose of conducting business as a food market, wholesale, that rents, leases, or lends space of no more than two food market, wholesale, or dedicates a combined total of less than 1500 square feet for the purpose of operating as a food market, wholesale, is exempt from this definition. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.005
Commissary means:
A wholesale food establishment in which food, containers, equipment, or supplies are stored or handled, food is prepared or prepackaged for sale, utensils are washed, liquid and solid wastes are disposed of, or potable water is obtained for use in mobile food facilities. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.005
Warehouse means:
Any place, building, structure, room or portion thereof where fruit, vegetables, or any foods are commercially stored, kelp or held at any temperature, where any foods are commercially stored at any artificial temperature less than 45° F, or where ice is stored.
New Construction is:
Any building or structure that is being constructed for use, for the first time, as a wholesale food processing establishment OR a facility that previously operated as a wholesale food establishment bus has been closed / out-of-business for greater than 90 days. Additionally, any wholesale food establishment undergoing a change or use or change of business classification shall be deemed "new construction".
A Remodel is:
Construction or renovation to a wholesale food establishment that requires a permit from the local building authority. Remodel may also refer to any replacement or significant modification of an integral piece of equipment or any part of the building structure. An establishment that has been closed for less than 90 days may be permitted to open without structural / operational modification.
This guide is based on requirements found in the Los Angeles County Code, Title 11.12, entitled Wholesale Food. Plans and specifications must show that all applicable requirements will be complied with. Please refer to the Los Angeles County Code for additional requirements and details.
Code numbers within this document reference those sections of the Los Angeles County Code where the requirements are found in law. Recommendations which follow the requirement contained within the Guide are not requirements in state law or regulation. They are included for clarification and to give examples of materials and methods which may be used for meeting the intent of the law. The recommendations may not be applicable in all circumstances. This Guide is intended to serve as a general overview of the requirements and should not be considered all-inclusive.
Additionally, this guide only encompasses the health aspects of construction and should not be construed to encompasses other agency's requirements, e.g. such as the local planning and zoning departments, the local building and safety authority or local fire department. Owners and their agents should be advised to contact the appropriate local agencies involved to obtain any permits and/or to clarify other local codes.
Pursuant to the Los Angeles County Code, Title 11, Section 11.12.150, The Director shall require from the owner-operator, submission of the following data pertaining to construction or remodeling, the installation of new equipment, or when a facility has closed and remained closed for a period of ninety (90) days or more: Three (3) complete sets of easily readable plans, drawn to scale showing floor plan. The plans shall indicate the location of all floor drains, floor sinks, and plumbing fixtures, lighting, equipment specifications, mechanical exhaust/ventilation plans including make-up air system, finish schedule for floors, walls and ceilings that indicate the type of material, the surface finish, the color, and the type of coved base at the floor-wall juncture, the location of all fixed food storage, preparation and processing equipment, furnishings and machinery. If a facility is to be a wholesale food processor, a general description of the type of food(s) and the methods of processing shall be included.
Who Should Submit Plans?
The following situations require that plans and specifications be submitted to the Plan Check Program for review and approval:
- A person who is constructing or remodeling any building for use as a food establishment.
- A person who plans to reopen a food establishment which has been closed for 90 days or more.
- A person who plans to open an existing food establishment wherein the equipment has been removed or replaced.
- A person who plans to change the operation of a food facility, e.g. changing the operation from catering to a food processing operation.
How Long Does The Plan Review Process Take?
Plans and specifications are handled on a first come, first served basis. It is important that you allow time for the plan review process when scheduling your project. Turn-around time for plan review is normally twenty (20) business days, excluding holidays and weekends. However, it can take longer if your plans are incomplete or in conflict with design rules.
Before commencing construction, approvals must be obtained from Environmental Health, Plan Check Program, the local Building and Safety Department and any other applicable authorities. If any changes to the approved plans become necessary, revised plans shall be submitted for review and approval prior to construction.

The proper layout and construction of a wholesale facility assures you will meet all structural and operational requirements of the applicable health laws and, at the same time, meet the objective of serving safe and wholesome food to the public. The intent of this guideline is to assist you in meeting these goals.
Plans should be easily readable, drawn to scale, (e.g. ¼" = 1') and shall include:
- A complete description of the food(s) to be processed and a brief overview of the manufacturing process to be utilized; product flow.
- A vicinity plan.
- A site plan including proposed waste storage receptacle location.
- A finish schedule for floors, walls, and ceilings that indicate the type of material, the surface finish, the color, and the type of coved base at the floor-wall juncture.
- Complete floor plan with plumbing, electrical and equipment lay-out.
- Reflective ceiling plan including lighting, ventilation.
- Complete mechanical exhaust ventilation plans including hood equipment, elevations and make-up air. Indicate the type of comfort cooling in building, e.g. "building is cooled by refrigerated air condition", "evaporative cooling", or "no cooling system is installed."
NOTE: Additional equipment and construction information may be obtained at Specific equipment requirements may be provided upon request.
The plans shall show and specify in detail the following:
The floor surfaces in all rooms in which food or beverage is stored or prepared, where utensils are washed, where refuge or garbage is stored, locker rooms, and walk-in refrigerators shall be of such construction and material so as to be smooth, impervious to moisture, grease, and corrosives and easily cleanable. (Examples include but are not limited to: sealed concrete, quarry tile, epoxy, or other approved material). A minimum of six (6) inch high, approved cove base, with a minimum three-eights inch (3/8") radius shall be provided at the juncture of the wall and floor (except storage rooms for food in unopened containers). All floors shall be maintained smooth, clean and in good repair. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.040
Floor Drains
Shall be installed in all rooms where food is prepared or prepacked, where utensils are washed, where a refuse enclosure is located inside the premises, in those areas where pressure spray methods for cleaning equipment (CIP) are used, and rooms in which floors are water-flushed for cleaning. Floor surfaces in these areas shall be sloped 1/8" per foot (1:100) to the floor drains. Trench drains may be installed, in lieu of floor drains, if approved by the Director. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.040
Wall & Ceilings
The walls and ceilings of all rooms where food is processed, prepared or packaged, utensils are washed, refuse or garbage is stored, where janitorial facilities are located, toilet rooms, dressing or locker rooms, and walk-in refrigeration/freezer units shall be constructed of cement, metal, plaster, wall board or other approved material. The surfaces shall be finished with tile, metal, plaster, semi-gloss paint, or other manufactured material, which is smooth, easily cleanable, and impervious to moisture and grease, capable of withstanding repeated washing and be of a light color approved by the Director. Exposed brick, concrete block, rough concrete, rough plaster or textured gypsum board is not acceptable. Light color shall mean having a light reflectance value of 70 percent or greater. Walls and ceilings shall be maintained clean and in good repair. (These requirements do not apply to areas where food is stored only in unopened bottle, cans, cartons, snacks, or other original shipping containers or to office areas). Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.040
Conduits of all types shall be installed within walls as practicable. When otherwise installed they shall be mounted or enclosed so as to facilitate cleaning (e.g., at least ½ inch from the wall or six (6) inches above the floor surface).
In every room and area in which food is prepared, processed or packaged, or in which utensils are cleaned, sufficient natural or artificial lighting shall be provided to produce an intensity of not less than 215 lux (20 footcandles) as measure thirty inches (30") above the floor. Food and utensil storage rooms, refrigeration, toilet rooms and dressing rooms shall be provided with at least 108 lux (10 footcandles) or light as measured thirty inches (30") above the floor surface. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.060
Light fixtures in areas where food is prepared, stored in open containers, and packaged, or in which utensils are cleaned, shall be protected against breakage through the use of plastic shields, plastic sleeves with end caps, shatterproof bulbs, and/or other approved device. During general cleanup activities, at least 215 lux (20 footcandles) of light measured thirty inches (30") above the floor, shall be provided in the area being cleaned.
Approved ventilation shall be provided throughout the food establishment to keep all areas reasonably free from excessive heat, steam, condensation, smoke, and vapor and to provide reasonable comfort for all employees. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.090
Toilet rooms, dressing rooms and janitorial rooms shall be vented to the outside by means of an openable window with a screen if not less than 16 mesh per square inch, or a light-switch activated exhaust fan. All construction and installation shall be in accordance with the applicable building and plumbing codes.
Mechanical Exhaust Ventilation
shall be provided at or above all newly-installed cooking equipment such as ranges, broilers, fry grills, steam jacketed kettles, griddles, ovens, deep fat fryers, barbeques, rotisseries, and 180° F rinse water (high temperature) dishwashers and similar equipment to effectively remove gases, steam, heat, grease vapors and smoke form the food establishment. Usually chemical sanitizing or under-counter dishwashing machines do not require exhaust hoods. Ventilation plans for each system shall include front and side elevation of the exhaust hoods and duct details to the roof fans (both exhaust and make-up air). Provide manufacturer specification sheets for exhaust fan, make-up air fan and hood filters along with the static pressure calculations (see Attachment I ). Refer to the Uniform Mechanical Code Chapter on Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Systems. Refer to CCDEH Recommendations for Mechanical Exhaust Ventilation and Hood Systems for Commercial Food and Utensil Heat Processing Equipment Guidelines. Specify the number and location(s) of make-up air diffusers. A balance report completed by a third party may be required prior to final clearance.
Files, Rodent, amd Vermin Exclusion
A continuous masonry foundation is required at every food facility. A food facility shall at all times be constructed, equipped, maintained, and operated to prevent the entrance and harborage of animals, birds and vermin, including but not limited to: rodents and insects. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.050
All openable windows shall be provided with approved screening not less than 16 mesh per square inch set in tight fitting frames. Openable windows are not approved in processing rooms.
Delivery Doors
All delivery doors shall open outward and be self-closing. Air curtains or fly fans may be used as auxiliary fly control but are not considered substitute devices allowing a door to remain open.
Garbage and Trash Area
Each food facility shall be provided with facilities and equipment necessary to store or dispose of all waste material. An area shall be provided for the storage and cleaning of garbage and trash containers. The walls, floors, and ceiling of this room or area shall be constructed so as to be smooth, durable, easily cleanable, impervious to grease and moisture, light in color, and capable of withstanding the expected impacts.
Vector Control
Opening at the base and side of exterior roods shall not exceed one-fourth inch (1/4"). All exterior wall pipes or other openings shall be tightly sealed. All exterior wall vents shall be properly screened with one-fourth inch (1/4") hardware cloth screening.
Toilet Facilities
Separate toilet facilities are required if there are five (5) or more employees of different gender per shift. One (1) toilet for each multiple of fifteen (15) employees is required. Urinals may be substituted for toilets but cannot exceed one half (1/2) the number of toilets otherwise required. Toilet facilities shall not open directly into food processing areas. "Employee" shall include managers and/or owners. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.070
Hand washing facilities shall be provided within or adjacent to toilet rooms and shall be equipped with an adequate supply of hot and cold running water under pressure. Handwashing sinks shall have water provided from a combination faucet, or water from a premixing faucet with supplies warm water for a minimum of ten (10) seconds while both hands are free for washing. Lavatories shall be provided upon the basis of one lavatory for each two toilets. Hand washing cleanser and single-use sanitary towels or hot-air blowers, shall be provided in dispensers at all hand washing facilities.
Employee Changing Room
When there are five or more employees, a separate changing room with lockers shall be provided for each gender, for employees to change and store their outer garments. Such room shall be a minimum of 20 square feet, provided with self-closing, well-fitted doors, and separated from toilet rooms, food storage rooms, or food preparation areas. "Employee" shall include managers and/or owners. The number of dressing rooms required shall be in accordance with local Building and Safety ordinances. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.070
All equipment shall be certified or classified for sanitation by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited certification program for material, construction, fabrication and design. All equipment and equipment installation shall be subject to field evaluation. Specifications of equipment shall be available upon demand. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.130
Installation of Equipment
All equipment shall be either easily movable (i.e., on casters), light enough so as to be easily moved by one (1) person (i.e., a light table), installed on raised minimum six inch (6") rounded metal legs, or sealed to minimum three-eights inch (3/8") covered radius. If on an island, it shall overhang the base at least two inches (2"), but not more than the height of the island. Sealing to the floor is acceptable only if no other means are available, such as beer coolers behind bars, walk-in refrigerators, and large bakery ovens. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.130
Gaps and spaces between equipment base and top of islands shall be sealed with a non-hardening silicone sealant. All equipment on counters, tables, and shelves that are not easily lifted are to be installed on approved four-inch (4") legs or sealed to table, shelves, etc.
All equipment flashings and backsplashes are to be adequately sealed to the wall and to abutting equipment or moved away from the wall six inches (6") for every four (4) linear feet of equipment frontal length, or away from each other. Soldering, welding, approved sealants, or “T” cap molding may be used. A minimum of thirty inches (30") clearance is to be provided for all aisles and working areas.
Hand Wash Sink
A minimum of at least one hand washing sink shall be provided within each food processing area. (Additional handwashing facilities may be required). Handwashing sinks shall be installed so as not to contaminate food or food contact surfaces. All hand wash sinks shall be provided with single service soap and towel in dispensers. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.160
Food Preparation Sink
Food processing establishments are required to have a separate sink for food preparation when they are engaged in activities such as, but not limited to: thawing, and washing or soaking of foods. Depending on the type of operation, a minimum of one compartment preparation sink must drain indirectly through an air gap into a floor sink. Food preparation sinks must meet the applicable NSF/ANSI standards of certification. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.160
Utensil Wash Sink
All food establishments in which food is prepared shall provide a minimum three-compartment metal sink with two integral metal drain-boards sloped toward the sinks. The sink must be NSF/ANSI certified, all metal and free standing (not installed in cabinets). The sink compartments and drainage facilities shall be large enough to accommodate the largest utensil or piece of equipment to be cleaned therein. A one-compartment or two-compartment sink that is in use on January 1, 2005 may be continued in use until replaced due to disrepair/deterioration, change in food handling operation, remolding that requires a building permit or as necessitated, based on performance. Hot and cold running water under pressure shall be provided through a mixing valve to each compartment. Verify with the local building department for the proper connection of the drainage system to sewer. A direct connection of the drainage system to the sewer will result in the requirement of a floor drain adjacent to the three-compartment sink in compliance with the Uniform Plumbing Code Section 704.3. When the 3-compartment sink is installed next to a wall, a metal "back splash", a minimum of eight (8) inches high, extending up the wall, shall be formed as an integral part of the unit and sealed to the wall. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.160
Dishwashing Machines
When utensils, dishes, or equipment are machine washed, the machines shall conform to applicable NSF/ANSI certification standards, and shall be installed and operated in accordance with those standards. Dishwashing machines may be connected directly to the sewer immediately downstream from a floor drain or may be drained through an approved indirect connection. Dishwashing machines must have two integral stainless steel drain-boards. The drain-boards shall be sloped and drained to an approved waste receptor. Installation of a dishwasher does not eliminate the requirement for a 3-compartment sink.
Janitorial Sink
A room, area, or cabinet separated from any food preparation or storage area or utensil washing shall be provided for the storage of cleaning equipment and supplies, such as mops, buckets, brooms, cleansers, and waxes, and shall be equipped with at least one (1) of the following to be used for general cleaning purposes and for the disposal of mop bucket waste and other liquid waste. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.160
- A one-compartment, non-porous janitorial sink.
- A slab, basin, floor constructed of concrete or equivalent material, curbed and sloped to a drain. Such facilities shall be connected to an approved sewerage, provided with hot and cold running water through a mixing valve and protected with a back flow protection device. Janitorial sinks and basins shall be separated from other equipment by at least 30 inches or a solid partition that extends a minimum of 18 inches above the rim or top of the janitorial sink or basin.
Such facilities shall be connected to approved sewerage, and provided with hot water at least 49° Celcius (120°F) and cold running water through a mixing valve and protected with a backflow protection device.
Garbage Disposals
Garbage disposals may be installed in drain boards if the drain board is lengthened to accommodate the disposal cone in addition to the minimum required drain board size. Garbage disposals may not be installed under a sink compartment, unless additional compartment is provided for the disposal.
Reach-in Refrigeration
Refrigeration units shall open into an approved area of the food facility, be provided with an accurate, readily visible thermometer, shelving that is nonabsorbent, non-corrodible, easily cleanable, and shall meet all applicable NSF/ANSI standards. Wood is not acceptable. Condensate from refrigeration units shall be conducted in a sanitary manner to a floor sink, or other approved device by an indirect connection or to a properly installed and functioning evaporator. Plumbing waste receptors, including floor drains, floor sinks and evaporators are to be located outside of refrigeration units.
Walk-in Refrigeration
Walk-in refrigerators must be designed to be closed and sealed to the floor, be constructed integral with the floor, coved base shall be provided at the intersection of interior floors and walls, be flashed or sealed to walls and/or ceiling as needed to prevent rodent and vermin harborage or inaccessible areas, have non-corrodible shelving that is at least six (6) inches above the floor, meet or be equivalent to applicable sanitation standards. Wood is not acceptable.
Storage Facilities
PLEASE NOTE - ONLY ONE DAY’S USE OF RAW MATERIAL SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE FOOD PROCESSING AREA(S). Adequate and suitable space shall be provided for the storage of food, separated by a door(s) from food processing and preparation. Except for large or bulky food containers, all food shall be stored at least six (6") off the floor. Containers may be stored on dollies, racks, or pallets not meeting this height requirement, provided that these items are easily movable. If pallets are to be used, pallet jacks or forklifts should be available for ease in movement. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.250
Storage Shelving
Adequate storage shelving shall be provided for all food establishments. Shelving shall be of such construction and material (NSF/ANSI certified) as to be smooth and easily cleanable (e.g. metal or wood which has been finished and sealed.) Shelves installed on a wall shall have at least a one inch (1") open space between back edge of the shelf or be sealed to the wall with silicone sealant or equivalent. The lowest shelf shall be at least six inches (6") above the floor with a clear, unobstructed area below. All shelves located below a counter or work surface are to be set back at least two inches (2") from the drip line of the surface above. Shelves supported by legs on the floor are of a round metal equipment type leg.
Plumbing, Gas and Electric
All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with local plumbing ordinances, shall be maintained so as to prevent any contamination, shall be kept clean, shall be fully operative, and shall be in good repair. All liquid wastes shall be disposed of through the plumbing system, which shall discharge into the public sewerage or into an approved private sewage disposal system. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.030
All steam tables, ice machines and bins, food preparation sinks and other similar equipment which discharged liquid waste, shall have this waste conveyed by a rigid drain line and disposed therein by an INDIRECT CONNECTION INTO A FLOOR SINK, funnel drain, or equivalent device. Indirect waste receptors shall be located to be readily accessible for inspection and cleaning. Waste lines shall not cross any aisle, traffic area, or door opening.
Effective July 1, 1999, Los Angeles City, all unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County and most incorporated cities have adopted the California Plumbing Code. These jurisdictions will require that all utensil/pot washing sinks and machines shall be connected DIRECTLY to the sewage system. Per the Uniform Plumbing Code, Section 704.3, a floor drain shall be provided adjacent to the fixture, and the fixture shall be connected on the sewer side of the floor drain trap, provided that no other drainage line is connected between the floor drain waste connection and the fixture drain. Contact the local Building and Safety Department for further information.
Water Supply
An adequate, protected, pressurized, potable supply of hot water at least 49°Celsius (120° F) and cold running water shall be provided from an approved source. The potable water supply shall be protected with a backflow or back siphonage protection device, as required by applicable local plumbing codes.
In sizing the water heater, the peak hourly demands for all sinks, dishwashing machines, etc. are added together to determine the minimum required recovery rate. (Refer to "CCDEH Water Heater Sizing Guidelines"). The minimum required hot water heater is 20 gallons.
Sewage Disposal, Grease Traps and Interceptors
Contact the local Building and Safety, Sanitary, or Public Works agencies for information or regulations regarding special sewerage, grease interceptor requirements. In general, grease traps should be installed flush with the floors to prevent sanitation problems. Check with the local Building and Safety officials for the requirements.
Floor Drains
Adequate floor drains should be provided in food preparation rooms, utensil or produce washing rooms, toilet rooms, and garbage rooms. A floor drain directly outside a walk-in refrigerator or freezer is acceptable if the floor in the walk-in in sloped towards the drain. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.040
All plumbing, electrical, and gas lines shall be concealed within the wall to as great extent as possible. Where it is not possible, all runs should be at least one half inch (1/2") away from the walls or ceiling and six inches (6") off the floor. Conduit or pipe lines shall not be installed across any aisle, traffic area, or door opening. Multiple runs or clusters of conduit or pipe lines shall be furred in, encased in an approved runway, or other Department approved sealed enclosure. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.040
Floor Sinks
All steam tables, refrigerators (including walk-in boxes), steam kettles, ice machines, and similar type of equipment shall drain into floor sinks. Floor sinks shall be installed flush with the floor surface. All condensate and similar liquid waste shall be drained by means of indirect waste lines into open floor sinks. Horizontal runs of drain lines shall be six inches (6") off the floor, slope one quarter inch (1/4") per foot and shall terminate at least one inch (1") above the overflow rim of the floor sink. Floor sinks shall be located so that they are readily accessible for inspection, cleaning, repairs, and not in a walkway. Waste lines shall not cross any aisle, traffic area, or door opening. Floor sinks are not permitted inside walk-in units (except in USDA processing plants) where an air gap is required. Los Angeles County Code Title 11, Section 11.12.040
Please see Construction Requirement Guideline for details.
- Building is to be rodent-proofed. Doors leading to the outside are to be self-closing and have no more than ¼ inch gap around the perimeter of the door. Seal all holes / gaps in the walls / ceilings. Screen window openings with tight-fitting fly screens.
- Provide at least one toilet and one lavatory conveniently located, with single-use soap and paper towels, adequate lighting, proper ventilation, and self-closing door.
- Provide janitorial facilities (area, room or cabinet) including a mop sink installed with a backflow prevention device, separated from the food storage area, approved shelves for storage of cleaning supplies, and a mop and broom hanger are recommended.
- Provide a minimum 20-gallon hot water heater, specify the location, specify all sinks that are to be supplied with hot water form this water heater.
- When there are 5 or more employees, an employee dressing area must be provided for each gender with lockers and adequate storage shelving.
- When there is refrigeration, specify if it is self-contained or if the condensate drains into an open floor sink. Walk-in cold storage units must drain into an open floor sink or other approved indirect waste receptacle. Provide specifications for all refrigeration equipment and ensure that it meets ANSI certification standards.
- Provide a finish schedule for all areas, except office space. Walls, floors, and ceilings in the restrooms, janitorial areas and locker areas must be smooth, durable, or light color, nonabsorbent, and easily cleanable.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
is responsible for the safety of all food except meat, poultry, and commercially processed eggs, which are regulated by the USDA. They are also responsible for registering all food processors in accordance with the Public Health and Safety Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act. Contact FDA at (949) 608-2900 or visit
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
is responsible for the inspection of meat and poultry plants, egg processing (washing, sorting, breaking, pasteurizing), nutrition labeling, egg grading, products containing greater than 3% meats or 2% poultry, and open faced meat or poultry sandwiches. Contact USDA at (800) 535-4555 or visit
California Department of Health Services Food and Drug Branch (CFDB)
is responsible for assuring the foods are not adulterated, misbranded, or falsely advertised. Contact CFDB at (909) 396-9515 or visit Food and Drug Branch website.
California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA)
is responsible for the inspection of shell eggs and their labeling, products containing egg products, retail sausage facilities, and custom slaughter facilities and dairy product inspections. Contact CDFA at (213) 580-0504 or visit