CPSP Provider Trainings
LA County is now offering trainings! Click
here for more info.
CPSP's Provider Digital Libray

Syphilis in Women and Congenital Syphilis

Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
Pertussis is on the rise. We strongly
recommend that CPSP providers offer/refer pregnant patients for Tdap
during 3rd trimester to protect
newborns from pertussis. Visit
CPSP website
or to learn more about what your office can do
to prevent pertussis.

Flu Vaccine

LA County WIC Agencies
Use our CPSP WIC directory page to locate
the nearest
WIC site
for your clients.
Be Prepared For Your Quality
Assurance Visit!
Use this
quality assurance checklist
to make sure everything is ready to go before your next QA visit.