Who Can Be A CPSP Provider?
Any physician, certified nurse midwife, hospital, community clinic, or medical
group who provides prenatal care, has a valid Medi-Cal
provider number, and is in good standing with state
licensing and regulatory agencies can submit a CPSP
application. Once finalized at the local CPSP office,
the application is forwarded to
the California Dept. of Public Health for final
Apply to Be a CPSP Provider:
Prior to completing and submitting a
CPSP Application, please contact the CPSP office at (213) 639-6419
or email
cpsp@ph.lacounty.gov to schedule a site visit. No applications will be accepted before a site visit has been conducted.
Reimbursement for CPSP
- CPSP Services provided to women who are eligible for fee-for-service Medi-Cal are reimbursed via the regular Medi-Cal billing process. Services are reimbursed at $33.64/hr. for individual services and $11.24/patient/hr. for group classes. Additional bonuses are also available.
- Click here for CPSP service codes and fee-for-service reimbursement schedule. Additional reimbursement details are included in the Medi-Cal Provider Manual.
- Reimbursement for women enrolled in Medi-Cal Managed Care is determined by provider
contracts with individual IPAs and health plans.