Vision: Reduced viral hepatitis transmission, morbidity, and mortality in Los Angeles County.
Mission: Strengthen coordination of activities for prevention, control, and care of viral hepatitis within DPH and with partners.
1) Provide technical assistance to community-based organizations to integrate and improve hepatitis education, screening, and linkage to care services for at-risk individuals;
2) identify and engage community stakeholders in hepatitis prevention; and 3) facilitate DPH and Los Angeles County leadership on viral hepatitis prevention and control.
![Know Hepatitis B Campaign](images/hp-banner_444x262.jpg)
CDC has launched the third phase of the
Know Hepatitis B Campaign designed to promote Hepatitis B testing among Asian Americans. This
is the first national multi-lingual communications campaign on hepatitis B among Asian Americans. While Asian Americans make up about 5% of the total U.S. population, they account for half of the 2.2 million Americans living with chronic hepatitis B. In fact, one in 12 Asian Americans has Hepatitis B.
New campaign resources, most available in multiple
30 and 60 second video PSAs. One
video features a conversation between a daughter and her
parents, with the daughter explaining why Asian
Americans should be tested for Hepatitis B. The other
PSA provides key facts about hepatitis B.
If you have any questions about the campaign, please contact Sherry Chen at
![Viral hepatitis - Are you at risk?](images/cdc_hepatitis_hrabadge-500x111.jpg)